Dr. Alejandro Badia, MD, FACS - Making Healthcare More Efficient by Removing Red Tape and Complex Barriers

Dr. Alejandro Badia is the author of "Healthcare From the Trenches." He is also a hand and upper extremity orthopedic surgeon at the Badia Hand to Shoulder Center in Doral, Florida, and the Founder and Chief Medical Officer of OrthoNOW. OrthoNOW is a direct-to-patient, orthopedic Walk-In clinic designed to provide the most efficient, comprehensive, and cost-effective care for non-emergency orthopedic conditions.
Find Dr. Badia's book here: Healthcare From The Trenches: An Insider Account of the Complex Barriers of U.S. Healthcare from the Providers and Patients' Perspective.
Visit drbadia.com for more information on the Badia Hand-To-Shoulder Center, Dr. Badia himself, and another way to access his book.
Visit orthonowcare.com to find immediate access to comprehensive orthopedic care.
Dr. Badia also has a YouTube Channel. You can also find him on LinkedIn.
For any questions, contact Freedom Physical Therapy Services here.

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